The New Normal

The New Normal

Kids Joy School presents an all new schooling programme, keeping with the times, right from the comfort of your home. Admission is open to anyone across the world. The fees will be payable monthly, keeping in consideration the changing scenario and to give parents...
The Year Gone By

The Year Gone By

2019-20 has been a great year for us at Kids Joy School. We started the year with a whole new look to the school, having renovated it over the summer. It was bright and new and had more space for the children to work and play. The month of June, was a settling in...
The Month Gone By: February 2020

The Month Gone By: February 2020

The month after our big Annual Day and everyone was breathing a bit more freely! Our theme for the month continued with the ‘World’. This month they learnt about the continents of Europe, Australia and Antarctica. The enjoyed learning about the different peoples group...
Annual Day 2019-20

Annual Day 2019-20

‘Let’s celebrate India!’ – Our Annual Day 2019-2020, was a very special event for Kids Joy School. Besides the Annual Day performances, we also had our Senior Kindergarten Graduation – a time of great pride and joy for everyone connected to our little graduates. The...
The Month Gone By – January 2020

The Month Gone By – January 2020

Although it was busy month for Kids Joy School with Annual Day preparations, the theme for the month continued and the children enjoyed learning different things about shapes and the world. The Nursery children learnt practically about shapes using everyday objects....