Last month at Kids Joy, our theme was India. Our children learnt about the diversity of their country – the different cultures, languages, food, clothes, etc. They learnt what it means to be a responsible citizen and practically applied it by going on a cleaning drive. They also learnt what it means by ‘all Indians are my brothers and sisters’ and accepting and loving people different from them. We went to an orphanage nearby, where our children got a chance to interact with the children there and everyone did a craft together. We intentionally do these activities with our children because we want their thinking to broaden and expose them to things outside their little world, hoping that all these experiences will make them wholesome human beings.
On August 14th, we had our Independence Day celebrations in schools and hoisted a flag. The children did various other activities during the month like making a tricolour sandwich, lotus flowers, flags and peacocks.
Explained in such a simple and practical way! An excellent read!