July 2016: The Month Gone By
Jungle: Vegetation and Aquatic Life was last month’s theme at Kids Joy School. The classrooms were decorated with creepers and leaves hanging around to give it a realistic jungle feel. The kids enjoyed learning about how the sap is collected from rubber trees and made into objects like tyres and erasers. They learnt about the difference parts of a plant and the difference between a tree and a shrub. They enjoyed looking at pictures of various water bodies and learning what’s special about each of them. Their inquisitive minds were stimulated when they saw how different things react differently with water – how a balloon floats but salt dissolves.
They loved making a seed collage and discovering different textures and sizes of the seeds. Leaf printing too was fun! Their fine motor skills were thoroughly exercised with lots of colouring and worksheets based on the theme for the week. Along with that their gross motor muscles too were given a workout with jumping ‘in the pond, out of the pond’ – one of their favourite games.
The children learned to respond to the question, ‘Which school do you go to?’ and learnt to ask for water politely. The Nursery children were introduced to all the vowels and their sounds through stories, songs and other activities. They also learnt to count upto 5. Junior KG strengthened their muscles for writing with a lot of prewriting pattern sheets and were able to count upto 20. SKG raced ahead with learning to blend alphabet and vowels and continued learning cursive writing.
The presentations by Niyantra and Mannat were outstanding. Both children were very well prepapred and the parents took a lot of trouble to make it interesting for the children. Mannat dressed up as an apple tree and had a cut out of a sun and clouds with rain. Niyantra and her mum presentated the venus fly catcher very creatively with an actual model of the plant.
The show and tell were very interesting with children bringing different insects and birds and talking about it. From the littlest to the oldest, they spoke about their objects so well. One can see a remarkable improvement in many of the children from the previous month!
At the end of the month, the school went for an outing to a park in Fort Kochi where the kids had fun on the swings, slides, monkey bars and seesaws, but also observed various trees and leaves. They collected different types of leaves and brought it back to school to make a collage.
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