One of the most eagerly awaited event for the academic year, the Kids Joy Annual Day, highlights, the cultural talents of our children as well as the passing out ceremony of our senior KG students. The planning and preparation for this exciting event starts as soon as the academic year begins, with a lot of thought to do the difficult task of zeroing in on a theme, selecting the songs, choosing the dance moves to include all the tiny tots. There is never a lack of energy when it comes to children; the key is to channelize them towards the annual day programme. The practice sessions were a lot of fun for the kids as well as the teachers. And yes we could see all our children in their elements!

As days go by, there’s a lot of hard work, sweat and months of practice put in and eventually the big day has arrived on 13th January, 2019. Mrs. Bindu Anand, Principal of the Naval Kindergarten graced the occasion by accepting our invitation to be the Chief Guest. Our little hosts from Kindergarten did a brilliant job of welcoming the Parents and guests and taking us all though the order of events. The class of Junior KG kick started the event by rendering a beautiful prayer song, reminding us all about God’s love which never fails. The theme “Earth and Environment” was very carefully and thoughtfully selected. This theme was introduced to the children in the months preceding the annual day. Therefore, they had a lot of fun presenting it to their parents and showing them how we all can learn to love our beautiful God given earth and make it a better place, through the dances and skit.

The Grand finale for the Annual day was  the Graduation Ceremony of our Senior Kindergarten children as they stood poised to embark on a new journey of life. It was a time of mixed emotions as the children stood on the stage in their uniform, donning their graduation caps and sashes with pride, and  parents and teachers watched on –  a knot forming in their throat and tears of happiness welling up in their eyes. Our Chief guest gave away the graduation certificates and blessed the children.

We thank all the volunteers, parents and teachers who selflessly worked with us to make this day a huge success..  We now look forward to an amazing third term and a time of accelerated learning.

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