21st January 2018, a day we were all waiting for. It was our school annual day and graduation ceremony of our Senior Kindergarten children. Although the main event was just less than a couple of hours, the run up to this day began almost three months ago with the brainstorming sessions, to choose a date and an apt theme for this big day and the items to be put up. Thus began our very interesting journey which culminated in the evening of 21st January 2018.
The evening started with prayer by the Chairman of our Trust and a word for all Parents that the best gift we can ever give to our children is a secure marriage. This was followed by a worship song and dance by our Junior Kindergarten.
The theme for this year was “Seasons”. The four main seasons were portrayed beautifully by all the children. While one group of tiny tots from Nursery brought back refreshing memories of the sun-kissed beaches and the long awaited fun of the summer holidays, another group celebrated the abundant Autumn harvest with a colourful and vibrant dance. The Kindergarten children danced to the rhythm of the falling rain with a beautiful umbrella dance while another group did not want “Mr. Frosty Winter” to spoil all the fun with his cold wind and snow.
The kindergarten children also enacted wonderfully the story of the “Ugly Duckling”- reminding us not to judge a book by its cover or treat people differently because of their looks. Our teachers spoke to the parents about the importance of the role of each parent in a child’s development and reducing screen-time; emphasizing on the need for our children to have social interactions and develop strong relationships.
The Graduating Class of 2017-18, swayed and twirled as they thanked their parents, grandparents and all their teachers. Saying “Good-Bye” is the hardest thing. The graduation ceremony of our Senior Kindergarten children was a very emotional moment especially for the concerned teachers and parents. Many of the children came to Kids Joy when they were just a little over 2 years old crying not wanting to leave their parents; and here they were standing in front of us in sashes, graduation caps and certificates in their hands , confidant and ready to step into the big world.
In Kids Joy School, we believe in involving every child. It is very easy to select a few kids who are good at many things and put up an excellent show, but, we really believe that every child is unique and has special gifting. So even though it is a lot more difficult involving every child, it is a great joy to see the children doing different things on the stage. It gives us a great satisfaction.
Here are a few pictures that are just teasers. We are still awaiting the pictures from the official photographer and will post it soon. Please watch this space for more pictures and videos of the event.
The Annual Day was an amazing event! Thank you Kids Joy Team for taking such good care of our child!