February: The Month Gone By

February: The Month Gone By

February 2017 - The Month Gone By We’ve had an exciting month at Kids Joy School. The theme for the month was ‘Sea Creatures’. Keeping with that theme, the children did lots of crafts and activities and learnt about different animals that lived in...

Sports Day 2012-2013

An exciting day! Children practiced individual and team games for the much awaited Sports Day. The hall was rearranged for this event and the kids were given ample and a safe place to showcase their sports abilities. Through fun they learned to follow instructions,...

CHILDREN’S DAY 2012-2013

Our children were given their first opportunity, on stage, to take part and perform in various items to showcase their budding talents to the delight of their parents. The children enjoyed the preparation period which was kept short as a part of the curriculum without...